Don Young Alaska Job Corps offers hands-on training in the below training areas. Get started today.
Building construction technologists maintain and repair machines, mechanical equipment, flooring, plumbing, electrical systems and HVAC systems, usually in large buildings.
Certified Nurse Assistants assist in providing basic medical care to patients by measuring vital signs and recording medical information.
Clinical Medical Assistants complete administrative and clinical tasks for patients and other health care providers.
Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.
Electricians install, maintain and repair electrical power, communications, lighting and control systems in homes, businesses and factories.
Security and Protective Services professionals protect and enforce rules at secure facilities.
Sewer and Waste workers work in water treatment plants, which pump fresh water from wells, rivers, streams or reservoirs to treat and distribute it to customers.
Welders join metals using a variety of techniques and processes.